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Mario Kart Wii Género: Carreras Formato: ISO Tamaño: 2,90 GB Región: 0 Descripción: El juego de carreras en wii pero con personajes nuevos (coopatroopa, baby mario, baby peach, baby luigi baby daissy, bowser JR, entre otros) y para conducir se tiene que jirar el volante igual que en la vida real:o,(nuevas pistas y objetos) espero que lo. Download Free Games Torrents - PC PS2 PS3 PSP PS Vita XBOX Wii 3DS. Download Wii GameCube Database. The best way to obtain the game list (titles and informations) is to download it from a program that supports it. Download PAL Wii ISO Game Torrents. PAL Games are usually released in Europe and in most cases have MULTI language select. I kinda was hoping that the latest Wii coding contest would bring up a good torrent software for Wii, but besides some good games there was nothing. Maybe I've somehow missed it, but I can't find any infos on a torrent client for Wii in this forum or on google. It would be nice to open.
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